SERCAP's Facilities Development Grant Program Assists the Town of Pamplin City in…
Recently, SERCAP’s Facilities Development Grant Program assisted The Town of Pamplin City, a small incorporated community straddling both Appomattox and Prince Edward Counties, with funds for an…
SERCAP's Regional Department Continues Assistance to the Town of Port Royal in…
Over the past few years, SERCAP’s Regional Department has worked with the Town of Port Royal in Caroline County, VA, along with other community partners, to move their water system from a dilapidated…
SERCAP's Regional Program Assists Hardy Road Trailer Park in Bedford County,…
Currently, SERCAP’s Regional Department is working with the Hardy Road Trailer Park water system in Bedford County, VA, to bring them back into compliance with the Virginia Department of Health’s …
SERCAP's Certified CDFI Loan Fund Program Assists Low-income Single Woman in…
ecently, SERCAP’s Certified CDFI (Community Development Financial Institution) Loan Fund assisted a low-income single woman in Rockingham County, VA, to have a new well drilled at her home.
SERCAP's Housing Department Assists Low-Income Single Woman in Buckingham County,…
Currently, SERCAP’s Housing Department is assisting a low-income single woman living in Buckingham County, VA, to complete a substantial reconstruction of her home. The client has lived in her home…
SERCAP's Regional Program Conducts Income Survey for the Town of Hillsboro in…
Currently, SERCAP’s Regional Department is working with the Town of Hillsboro in Loudoun County, VA, to conduct an income survey that will potentially allow the Town to qualify for a specialized…
SERCAP's Regional Program Partners with FISH to Provide Funding Assistance in Floyd…
Currently, SERCAP has partnered with the Floyd Initiative for Safe Housing (FISH), a grass-roots organization serving Floyd County, to provide funding for water/wastewater needs for seven (7)…
SERCAP Introduces Septic System Maintenance Education and Pump-out Program!
Currently, SERCAP is developing a Septic System Maintenance Education & Pump-Out Program that will promote water quality and local source water protection through public education and financial…
SERCAP's Regional Department Provides Financial Assistance to Giles County, VA!
Giles County, located in southwest Virginia, owns and operates nine (9) different small water systems serving nearly 2,500 people (1,400 connections) across 13 separate communities.
SERCAP's Housing Department Assists Low-Income Family of Seven as Part of CDBG…
Currently, SERCAP is providing Housing Rehabilitation Specialist Services to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Construction Improvement Grant (CIG) Project for the East Atlantic Street…